Category: SEC

Stock Market Charts

ADV Time for RIAs

RIA firms with a fiscal calendar ending on December 31st have until March 31st to file their updated ADVs with the SEC. In addition, following the SECs new requirements (adopted last summer), there are 8 changes required on the Form ADV for firms filing after October 1.  The purpose of the new data is to […]

SEC Exams – More Efficiency?

The likelihood of independent adviser exams is declining as the SEC experiences post election changes. Former SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White had drafted a regulation to outsource some exams to third parties. However, following Ms. White’s departure, increased Republican resistance and a reorganization of SEC assets, it looks like that plan will fade. In 2015, the agency’s Office of Compliance […]

Change Coming to the SEC

Washington continues to see changes following the election of Donald Trump. The SEC is one agency where the change will likely be dramatic. Mary Jo White served as Chair of the SEC from April 2013 – January 2017.  Ms. White, a former U.S. Attorney, was known for her aggressive prosecutorial tendencies and the SEC under […]

Year of Compliance

The SEC is ramping up its enforcement. The Division of Enforcement has established new groups that will concentrate on specific parts of the market. This more narrow scrutiny will focus primarily on mutual funds/assets under management. The SEC believes that this specialized enforcement will serve to reduce and contain risks within investment management. Fund companies […]